Round Top Antique Market - Day One - Driving
And we're off. My good friend and fellow designer Jessica Kaminski is coming along to join in the fun! We get on the road in Santa Cruz about 11am.

Later that evening at sunset, we are on the 95, which goes fron the top of Arizona to the bottom. I never tire of sunsets, they amaze me every time. This was one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. In the middle of the desert, on some 2 lane road, I told Jessie if she got out and stood on top of the nearest mountain, it would change her life. It was then that after 16 years of knowing this girl, I find out she is not high on nature, mostly the insect aspect of it. (more on this later)
1am tucson time, we finally stop at a motel and sleep for 6 hours. I can't believe I drove the whole way.
By the way, it's apparently a big deal that I went in to my first WalMart today, also I ate at my first Cracker Barrel (not quite my style).